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How Does Blogging Help My SEO?

Blogging is the art of creating industry specific content with supporting images to engage a user on a website or Blogging platform. The content has to be valuable and timeless to meet the needs of the reader. Content creation is the reason why Google has an answer for every question you throw at it. Blogging can be just as much fun creating as it is reading.

Blogging is a crucial component for the ongoing search engine optimization of any website. If you have ever searched for information using a search engine, you probably know that most people get what they are looking for on the first page of the search results. If you want your content or website to be viewed by users and potential Customers, then you need to rank high on the search results and Blogging is a huge component.

Let's look at the many ways that blogging is beneficial to your SEO strategy.


The benefits of blogging include the added benefit of extra visibility. If your content is ranked on the first page of Google’s search engine, then you can expect better traffic on your website. Traffic is always a good thing because it is easy to translate the interest to monetary value.


Make it easier to Rank for Specific Words

Without content, it is hard to rank your website for any search. Blog posts encourage the use of specific keywords that help google bots to better rank your page. Keywords also allow the user to navigate the page and have a better experience while on it. Easy navigation is also crucial for turning those site visits to lead generation.


Once you place relevant high-demand keywords on your website, you will get better indexing by search engine bots. Search engine bots do all the work of combing through all the websites content on the world wide web. Google then proceeds to categorize the content based on the relevance and date of the last update. The more you blog using the right keywords, the better your website will get indexed. Better indexing equates to a better SEO ranking.

Link Building

Blogging and Link building is a critical yet practical way of getting traffic back to your website from other well-ranked websites. If you can write useful relevant blogs, you will improve your chance of getting found when consumers need your products and services.


Google always appreciates newly updated content, and so does the reader and end-user. New content also makes it beneficial for the user to revisit your website repeatedly. Blogging also offers you a chance to educate your audience on the products or services you have to offer in a fun and interactive manner.